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Converting and Plotting Functions in Python: A Comprehensive Guide

Writer's picture: amrtyachakrabortyamrtyachakraborty


Mathematical functions play a fundamental role in various fields, ranging from physics and engineering to finance and data analysis. They allow us to describe and understand relationships between variables, providing valuable insights into how different quantities change concerning each other. One common task when working with functions is converting them between acceleration, velocity, and position, which helps us better understand the underlying dynamics.

In addition to understanding functions, visualizing them is equally important. Plotting functions not only allow us to observe their behavior but also aid in identifying patterns, trends, and critical points. By graphically representing functions, we can better grasp their characteristics and make informed decisions based on the insights obtained.

To address the need for converting and plotting functions, we can leverage the power of Python, a versatile and widely-used programming language. In this blog post, we will explore a Python code that enables us to convert functions between acceleration, velocity, and position, and plot them for visual analysis. This code provides a convenient and efficient way to perform these conversions, helping us understand the relationships between different physical quantities.

In the following sections, we will delve into the details of the Python code, discussing its implementation, and usage instructions, and providing a practical example scenario. By the end of this blog post, you will have a solid understanding of converting and plotting functions using Python, empowering you to analyze and visualize a wide range of mathematical relationships. So, let's dive in and explore the power of Python in handling functions!

Problem Statement

When working with mathematical functions, it is often necessary to convert between different representations such as acceleration, velocity, and position. Converting functions from one form to another helps us analyze and understand the relationships between these quantities. However, manually performing these conversions can be time-consuming and prone to errors.

Additionally, visualizing functions is crucial for gaining insights and comprehending their behavior. Plotting functions allows us to observe their variations over a range of inputs, identify key features such as peaks or troughs, and analyze trends or patterns. Without a streamlined approach to convert and plot functions, it becomes challenging to explore and analyze complex relationships.

Therefore, the problem at hand is to develop a Python code that automates the conversion between acceleration, velocity, and position functions. The code should provide a user-friendly interface for entering function expressions, performing the necessary differentiation and integration calculations, and plotting the converted functions for visual analysis. By solving this problem, we can save time, reduce errors, and gain a deeper understanding of the relationships between different physical quantities.

The Python code provided offers a comprehensive solution to the problem of converting and plotting functions between acceleration, velocity, and position. The code consists of several functions that handle the conversion and plotting tasks efficiently. Let's take a closer look at the key functions and their functionality:

1. differentiate(expression, variable):

- This function performs differentiation of an expression with respect to a given variable.

- It utilizes the SymPy library to carry out the differentiation calculation.

- The function takes an expression and the variable with respect to which the differentiation is performed.

- It returns the differentiated expression as the result.

def differentiate(expression, variable):
    # Performing differentiation here and returning the result
    # You can use libraries like SymPy or implement your own differentiation logic
    # Example: Using SymPy
    from sympy import symbols, diff

    t = symbols(variable)
    result = diff(expression, t)

    return result

2. integrate(expression, variable):

- This function performs the integration of an expression with respect to a given variable.

- It uses the SymPy library to perform the integration calculation.

- The function takes an expression and the variable with respect to which the integration is performed.

- It returns the integrated expression as the result.

def integrate(expression, variable):
    # Perform integration here and return the result
    # You can use libraries like SymPy or implement your own integration logic
    # Example: Using SymPy
    from sympy import symbols, integrate

    t = symbols(variable)
    result = integrate(expression, t)

    return result

3. convert_function():

- This function serves as the main driver function for converting functions between acceleration, velocity, and position.

- It prompts the user to select the type of function they want to convert (a(t), v(t), or x(t)).

- Based on the selected function type, it requests the user to input the corresponding function expression.

- The function then performs the necessary integration and differentiation operations to convert the function.

- It also prompts the user to select the type of function they want to plot (a(t), v(t), or x(t)).

- Finally, it calls the plot_function() function to plot the selected function.

# FUNTION TO CONVERT x(t),v(t), or a(t) into the rest
# This function would also request funtion plot_function to graph the function

def convert_function():
    function_type = input("Select a type of function [ a(t), v(t), or x(t) ]: ")

    if function_type == "a(t)":
        a_t = input("Enter the function a(t): ")
        v_t = integrate(a_t, 't')  # Convert a(t) to v(t) by integrating
        x_t = integrate(v_t, 't')  # Convert v(t) to x(t) by integrating

    elif function_type == "v(t)":
        v_t = input("Enter the function v(t): ")
        a_t = differentiate(v_t, 't')  # Convert v(t) to a(t) by differentiating
        x_t = integrate(v_t, 't')  # Convert v(t) to x(t) by integrating

    elif function_type == "x(t)":
        x_t = input("Enter the function x(t): ")
        v_t = differentiate(x_t, 't')  # Convert x(t) to v(t) by differentiating
        a_t = differentiate(v_t, 't')  # Convert v(t) to a(t) by differentiating

        print("Invalid function type.")
    # requesting plot_function to  plot
    function_plot = input('Select a type of function function to plot [ a(t),v(t), or x(t) ]:')
    if function_plot == "a(t)":
        function = a_t
    elif function_plot == "v(t)":
        function = v_t
    elif function_plot == "x(t)":
        function = x_t
        print('invalid function type')

4. plot_function(expression, yLabel):

- This function is responsible for plotting the specified function using the matplotlib library.

- It takes the expression of the function and the y-axis label as input.

- The function creates a numpy array of x-values and evaluates the function expression.

- It plots the function using matplotlib, setting appropriate labels for the x and y axes.

- The resulting plot is displayed to the user.


def plot_function(expression,yLabel):

    # Create a numpy array of x values
    t = np.linspace(-10, 10, 400)

        # Evaluate the function expression
        y = eval(expression)

        # Plot the function
        plt.plot(t, y)
        #label of y changes wrt function
        if yLabel == "a(t)":
        if yLabel == "v(t)":
        if yLabel == "x(t)":
        plt.title('Plot of ' + expression)
        print("Invalid function expression!")

5. run():

- This function handles errors and allows the user to rerun the code if desired.

- It prompts the user to restart the code (y/n) after completing the conversion and plotting.

- If the user chooses to restart, it calls the convert_function() function again.

- Otherwise, it terminates the code execution.

def run():
    re = input('restart? (y/n):')
    if re == 'y':
        print('function ended')

By utilizing the functionalities provided by the code, users can easily convert functions between acceleration, velocity, and position. The code automates the process of differentiation and integration, saving time and reducing the chance of errors. Additionally, the ability to plot the converted functions allows for visual analysis and a better understanding of the relationships between the physical quantities.

The following sections of the blog post will provide implementation details, usage instructions, and a practical example scenario to illustrate the effectiveness of the Python code.

Implementation Details

Usage of SymPy Library for Differentiation and Integration

The Python code makes use of the SymPy library to perform differentiation and integration calculations. SymPy is a powerful mathematical computation library that provides various functions for symbolic mathematics.

The functions `differentiate(expression, variable)` and `integrate(expression, variable)` both utilize the SymPy library to carry out the required calculations. The `differentiate()` function uses the `diff()` function from SymPy to differentiate the given expression with respect to the specified variable. Similarly, the `integrate()` function uses the `integrate()` function from SymPy to perform the integration of the expression with respect to the given variable.

By leveraging the SymPy library, the code ensures accurate and efficient differentiation and integration of mathematical expressions, enabling seamless conversion between acceleration, velocity, and position functions.

Prompting the User for Function Types and Expressions

The code prompts the user to input the type of function they want to convert and plot. It presents three options: `a(t)` for acceleration, `v(t)` for velocity, and `x(t)` for position. The user can enter the desired function type by typing the corresponding option.

After selecting the function type, the code requests the user to input the corresponding function expression. For example, if the user chooses `a(t)` as the function type, they will be prompted to enter the expression for acceleration `a(t)`. The same applies to the other function types.

This user-friendly approach allows users to input their desired function types and expressions easily, making the code accessible and intuitive for various use cases.

Integration and Differentiation Steps for Converting Functions

To convert functions between acceleration, velocity, and position, the code utilizes integration and differentiation operations.

For example, if the user selects `a(t)` as the function type and provides the function expression for acceleration `a(t)`, the code performs the following steps:

1. The code uses the `integrate()` function to integrate the acceleration function `a(t)` with respect to time `t`. This integration step converts the acceleration function to the velocity function `v(t)`.

v_t = integrate(a_t, 't')  # Convert a(t) to v(t) by integrating

2. Next, the code performs another integration using the `integrate()` function to convert the velocity function to the position function `x(t)`.

x_t = integrate(v_t, 't')  # Convert v(t) to x(t) by integrating

The same principle applies when converting functions in the reverse order. For instance, to convert from position `x(t)` to velocity `v(t)`, the code uses differentiation. It differentiates the position function with respect to time to obtain the velocity function.

These integration and differentiation steps ensure the accurate conversion of functions between different physical quantities, allowing users to explore and analyze the relationships between acceleration, velocity, and position.

By providing an intuitive user interface, utilizing the SymPy library, and implementing the necessary integration and differentiation operations, the Python code facilitates the seamless conversion and plotting of functions, making it a powerful tool for analyzing and visualizing mathematical relationships.

Usage Instructions

To use the Python code for converting and plotting functions between acceleration, velocity, and position, follow the steps below:

  1. Make sure you have Python installed on your system. You can download Python from the official website ( and follow the installation instructions specific to your operating system.

  2. Install the necessary libraries. The code requires the SymPy and matplotlib libraries. You can install them using pip, the Python package manager, by running the following commands in your terminal or command prompt:

pip install sympy
pip install matplotlib
  1. Once you have Python and the required libraries installed, you can proceed to run the code.

  2. Open a text editor or an integrated development environment (IDE) of your choice and create a new Python file. Copy the entire code provided into the file.

  3. Save the file with a .py extension, such as

  4. In the same directory where you saved the Python file, open a terminal or command prompt.

  5. Navigate to the directory containing the Python file using the cd command. For example, if the file is saved on the desktop, you can navigate to the desktop directory by running the following command:

cd Desktop
  1. Run the Python file by executing the following command:

  1. The code will prompt you to select a type of function to convert: a(t) for acceleration, v(t) for velocity, or x(t) for position. Enter the corresponding option by typing it in the terminal or command prompt.

  2. After selecting the function type, you will be prompted to enter the function expression. Input the desired mathematical expression for the selected function type. For example, if you selected a(t), enter the expression for acceleration.

  3. The code will perform the necessary differentiation and integration operations to convert the function. It will then prompt you to select the type of function to plot: a(t) for acceleration, v(t) for velocity, or x(t) for position. Enter the desired option.

  4. The code will plot the selected function using matplotlib. A new window will open, displaying the graph of the function.

  5. You can analyze the plotted function and interpret the results. The x-axis represents time, and the y-axis represents the corresponding physical quantity (acceleration, velocity, or position).

  6. After analyzing the plotted function, the code will ask if you want to restart. If you wish to convert and plot another function, type y and press Enter. Otherwise, type n to end the program.

By following these usage instructions, you can effectively utilize the Python code for converting and plotting functions between acceleration, velocity, and position. Experiment with different function types and expressions to explore and visualize various mathematical relationships.

If you are using ide and want to use the code you can copy and paste the following entire code:

# Importing Libraries:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt


# defining a function for defferentiation of expressions

def differentiate(expression, variable):
    # Performing differentiation here and returning the result
    # You can use libraries like SymPy or implement your own differentiation logic
    # Example: Using SymPy
    from sympy import symbols, diff

    t = symbols(variable)
    result = diff(expression, t)

    return result

def integrate(expression, variable):
    # Perform integration here and return the result
    # You can use libraries like SymPy or implement your own integration logic
    # Example: Using SymPy
    from sympy import symbols, integrate

    t = symbols(variable)
    result = integrate(expression, t)

    return result

# FUNTION TO CONVERT x(t),v(t), or a(t) into the rest
# This function would also request funtion plot_function to graph the function

def convert_function():
    function_type = input("Select a type of function [ a(t), v(t), or x(t) ]: ")

    if function_type == "a(t)":
        a_t = input("Enter the function a(t): ")
        v_t = integrate(a_t, 't')  # Convert a(t) to v(t) by integrating
        x_t = integrate(v_t, 't')  # Convert v(t) to x(t) by integrating

    elif function_type == "v(t)":
        v_t = input("Enter the function v(t): ")
        a_t = differentiate(v_t, 't')  # Convert v(t) to a(t) by differentiating
        x_t = integrate(v_t, 't')  # Convert v(t) to x(t) by integrating

    elif function_type == "x(t)":
        x_t = input("Enter the function x(t): ")
        v_t = differentiate(x_t, 't')  # Convert x(t) to v(t) by differentiating
        a_t = differentiate(v_t, 't')  # Convert v(t) to a(t) by differentiating

        print("Invalid function type.")
    # requesting plot_function to  plot
    function_plot = input('Select a type of function function to plot [ a(t),v(t), or x(t) ]:')
    if function_plot == "a(t)":
        function = a_t
    elif function_plot == "v(t)":
        function = v_t
    elif function_plot == "x(t)":
        function = x_t
        print('invalid function type')


def plot_function(expression,yLabel):

    # Create a numpy array of x values
    t = np.linspace(-10, 10, 400)

        # Evaluate the function expression
        y = eval(expression)

        # Plot the function
        plt.plot(t, y)
        #label of y changes wrt function
        if yLabel == "a(t)":
        if yLabel == "v(t)":
        if yLabel == "x(t)":
        plt.title('Plot of ' + expression)
        print("Invalid function expression!")

# Defining function run which would run the code/ rerun the code if errors appear

def run():
    re = input('restart? (y/n):')
    if re == 'y':
        print('function ended')

# calling the function        


The Python code provided offers a convenient solution for converting and plotting functions between acceleration, velocity, and position. By utilizing the SymPy library, the code automates differentiation and integration, ensuring accurate results. The user-friendly prompts enable easy input of function types and expressions.

The code's integration and differentiation steps facilitate seamless conversion between physical quantities. The plotted functions provide visual insights into their relationships, aiding analysis and understanding.

Overall, the code empowers users to effortlessly convert and plot functions, making it a valuable tool for scientific and engineering applications.

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